Thank you for your interest in certifying your biochar.  Biochar manufacturers seeking IBI Biochar Certification must register each biochar they wish to certify.  A separate registration form must be submitted for each biochar material intended for certification.  Please be sure to enter a current and valid email address.  Generation of a new profile is based on your email address.

  • Certification of a biochar is valid for (12) calendar months from the application approval date.
  • While it is permissable for a manufacturer to register and apply at the same time, IBI will allow up to 60 days to complete the IBI certification application online, starting from the day the online registration form is completed.  For application approval by IBI, required tests must have been completed no more than 60 days prior to submission of the completed application.  Test results that are dated more than 60 days prior to submission of a completed application will not be considered as valid for approval of certification.

IMPORTANT: Biochar that has undergone “material change” in feedstock type or production processes of greater than 10% must be re-certified prior to 12 months expiration.  Biochar that has undergone “material change” as described above cannot carry the IBI Certified Biochar Seal without being re-certified.

Note: If the initial Category B test results for biochar made from an unprocessed feedstock are all within the Maximum Allowable Thresholds established by the IBI Biochar Standards, then the Category B tests may be repeated every three years rather than annually, as long as the thermochemical production parameters and the feedstock composition all remain the same.

Please review the IBI Biochar Standards available on the IBI website for more information on how to determine material changes for your biochar.

Biochar manufacturers/applicants seeking IBI Biochar Certification are not required to be IBI members but are required to develop a profile in IBI’s system if not a current member.  System profiles are created when you enlist as a dues-paying member or as a non-member contact.

Your Email

Name of Organization:

Address 1 of Organization

Address 2 (City, State/Province, Postal Code)

Country of Organization
United StatesCanada*Other (*See question below.)

*If your organization is located outside the United States or Canada, please enter it in this space provided (otherwise skip this line):

Work Telephone Number:

Country where biochar was produced:

Country where biochar will be sold for use: